Social investment at OQ
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Making a Difference
OQ is committed to contributing to the sustainable development of the communities within which we operate by acknowledging, reflecting and supporting their potentials, values and needs.
Maximising our impact requires the input of community stakeholders and transparency in the selection process of selecting, evaluating and implementing our social investment actions. Towards this end, OQ has established an open social platform to allow community members to submit proposals.
The awarding of grants aimed at financially supporting the development and implementation of Social Projects, as part of OQ's Social Investment action, will be distributed between a variety of small projects, a few larger projects, or a combination of large and small grants.

Nurturing the right conditions to improve the earning potential of small-scale entrepreneurs means supporting the modernisation of administrative practices, encouraging innovation, and upgrading workforce skills.
Towards those ends, OQ seeks to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit, particularly through the enhancement of Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This can be achieved by promoting innovation-focused educational programs and providing more research and technology-based training for people to strengthen prospective employment prospects in the industrial cluster.

A significant emphasis is placed on enhancing the adaptability of young people to the rapid changes and innovation drive, which characterise the modern labour market. We believe that bolstering the education, skills and innovative spirit of the youth are essential steps to prepare them for a successful insertion into the labour market.
As this sector plays a major role, and the belief in the importance of enhancing awareness among Omani Male and Female students about the journey of oil from exploration to production, and the basics of oil and gas processing, storage and marketing operations; The company, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education represented by the General Directorate of Curriculum Development, prepared and produced this book under the name (Oil and Gas from Exploration to Production).

Across the local and global communities we serve, OQ aims to address key issues such as remedying to the lack of sufficient healthcare professionals, helping to control the spread of diseases affecting modern society such as obesity, possible pandemic, hypertension, diabetes and others, as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of risk factors.